Unveiling HFA’s New Logo

On May 10th, 2024 we officially unveiled our new logo! Our logo contains an anchor and a green mental health ribbon wrapped around it. We wanted to carry over the green ribbon from our original logo because it symbolizes mental health awareness. So why include the anchor?

An anchor is used to combat wind and currents that want to move the vessel off course. An anchor keeps a vessel in one place, providing stability and hope. Anchors symbolize hope. Hope for Athletes (HFA) spreads hope by…

  • sharing honest stories

  • promoting mental health awareness

  • allowing athletes to share openly about their faith in God

  • reminding athletes of their value and worth

  • fostering a community where athletes experience a sense of belonging

Anchors also symbolize stability. HFA promotes stability by…

  • reminding athletes to lean on their support systems

  • encouraging athletes to lean on God

  • inviting athletes to grow in advocating for themselves

  • creating opportunities to learn from each other

  • encouraging athletes to pursue healing, growth, and acceptance

The bible verse that inspired our vision for the new logo comes from the book of Hebrews.

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” -Hebrews 6:19